How To Convert Existing WordPress Posts to Gutenberg Blocks?

With the advent of WordPress 5.0, Gutenberg has become the default editor for the popular CMS. The Content Management System was long overdue for a revamped post editor, which was finally delivered with Gutenberg. Instead of the classic post editor, which is frankly...

How To Add Watermark Automatically to Images in WordPress

Watermark your images on your WordPress site to constraint thieves from getting their hands on it. You must have put in a lot of effort to make that astonishing image. But, you worry about its copyright. You don’t want any image thief to steal your image and place it...

How to Insert Ads to Post Content Anywhere in WordPress

Are You A Newbie And You Wishing To Insert Ads In Your Post Content in WordPress? Are You Wondering How Various Sites Or Blogs Insert Ads? Do They Insert It Manually Or Is There A Special Code? It is true that banner and sidebar ads help you monetize your blog. If you...

Get Started: Restore Your Site from a Backup

Restoring a website from a backup has never been easier – just a click of a button. If you don’t know how to create a backup for your WordPress site, check out our guide: Get Started: Create a Manual Backup Go to WPvivid >> Backup/Restore and go to the...

Get Started: Create a Manual Backup

A backup will insure you against the uncertainties yet possibilities of hacks, malware infections, server crashes or just plain human error. So let us create one. First, Download and install WPvivid Backup Plugin Go to WPvivid on the Backup & Restore tab;...

Get Started: Settings

First and most importantly we are thrilled that you chose WPvivid Backup Plugin to manage the backups of your website. Our desire is that this plugin gives you the peace of mind that you will be back on to your feet no matter what happens. In this guide we shall take...

Stop Comment Spam without Plugin

Does spam from your website’s comments clog up your mailbox? That’s a rhetorical question. Do you want to learn how to stop comment spam from your website? Web 2.0 revolutionized interaction between business and customers. The once static websites, now as a necessity...