
Choose Your  Plugin

30-day money-back guarantee, no questions, no disputes, zero risk

From: $49/year

or One-Time Payment

Backup & Migration Pro

Robust and stable WordPress backup and migration solutions, designed for freelancers, agencies, and site owners.

Backup & Migration ProStaging Proand more…

From: $69/year

Database Merging

A great time-saver for WordPress developers to streamline your development process. Migrating only changes on a dev site to a production site, without affecting the live data (for example, new WooCommerce orders, users and etc.) on the production site.

Backup & Migration Pro

Addon: Staging Pro

Addon: Image Optim Pro

Addon: White label

Addon: Roles & Capabilities

Mulitsite Support

24/7 Ticket Support


$79.2 1-Time

$99 1-Time

2 Domains

Unlimited image optimization

Domain Change: 3 days


$111.2 1-Time

$139 1-Time

Up to 10 Domains

Unlimited image optimization

Domain Change: Unlimited

Small Business

$159.2 1-Time

$199 1-Time

Up to 50 Domains

Unlimited image optimization

Domain Change: Unlimited


$239.2 1-Time

$299 1-Time

Unlimited Domains

Unlimited image optimization

Domain Change: Unlimited