There is no limit for backup retention any more in Pro version. You can retain backups as many as you want in your remote storage. However, you have to frequently check out the remaining space of remote storage to avoid backup failures caused by insufficient storage space.

You can set individual retention for localhost(web server) and remote storage, and on the localhost(web server) and remote storage, you can further set individual retention for database backups, files backups(non-database and non-incremental backups), and incremental backups.

Localhost(web server) Retention

To set retention for localhost(web server), go to WPvivid Settings > Backup > General, here you have the options to set:

  • xx Backups retained (localhost)
  • xx Database backups retained (localhost)

WPvivid backup pro backup retention

Remote Storage Retention

You can set retention for each remote storage when you connect to it.

WPvivid set retention for cloud storage

And for a connected storage, you can edit the retention for it from the storage list.

WPvivd edit storage information

Incremental Backups

The retention settings for incremental backups in a cloud storage is located in WPvivid Settings > Backup > General, the retention is based on the files(full backup) backup cycles, for example, when you set up a weekly cycle for files(full backup) in the incremental backup schedule, and set 30 Cycles of Incremental backup retained for each remote storage, then all backup files(files full backups, incremental files backups and database backups) created in the latest 30 cycles will be retained in the storage.

WPvivid backup pro backup retention